Sheldon Solow – Chairman of the Solow Foundation. Solow made billions in New York real estate and purchased much of his collection at auction. In 1991 he created the Solow Art and Architecture Foundation, a private operating foundation of which he is the chair and sole board member. The Foundation accepts donations which can be used for tax writeoffs while it currently provides no public access.
Gerard Martinez – Director of Information Technology. If you start a satirical website trying to draw attention to the absurdity of a publicly supported, private museum, Gerard will contact your ISP with a note that raises the possibility of legal action. Fortunately, First Amendment protections are not as weak as government scrutiny over organizations like the Solow Foundation. You can email Gerard at
Moira Evans – Curator. It’s unclear what Moira does as she won’t return phone calls or emails and there is no information publicly available about her. But she is the curator of an amazing permanent collection of art and possibly some temporary exhibitions too, none of which are open to the public.
Harry – Guard. Harry is friendly and eager to help, but will tell you firmly that under no circumstances can you visit the collection. He often receives the same question, but the answer never changes.
Keith – Guard. Keith has been with the Solow organization for almost a decade. While he’s seen the collection a few times, he’s never allowed anyone else in, even people who work in the building. He agrees its sensible that a foundation which benefits from a tax incentive should provide public access, but he wouldn’t think of raising with anyone else unless he also becomes someone who’s not allowed in.